Why your sales team will love QR codes

Though QR codes are not a new technology, their assimilation into the mainstream marketing world is in its infancy. With the emergence of smart phones and the ability of consumers to scan codes directly on their devices, QR codes have gained new respect amongst most marketers.

I can remember many presentations that our marketing team made to the sales department to keep them up-to-date on what initiatives we were working on. We would show them lots of pretty slides and a few mock-ups of upcoming campaigns, but that didn’t usually get us more than an “Oh, that’s cool.” Even when we talked about ROI and increased response rates, we usually just got the polite accolades of the group. Well, that and a buck will buy you a cup of coffee… and probably not that if you live anywhere in the tri-state area.

describe the imageQR Codes offer an opportunity that your sales team is craving. Deliver actionable sales leads in real-time, directly to the sales person and you become a marketing super hero. In combination with a well designed landing page, QR Codes can quickly and efficiently direct your prospects exactly where you want them to go. Last year, an innovative financial planning company, TIAA-CREF added a QR code to a printed piece, which directed recipients to a simple landing page with a click-to-call button on it. When the user clicked it, they were connected to a sales rep right on their cell phone.

Even though sales will love the real-time lead delivery, there is something in it for marketing too. QR Codes are a proven way to bridge print with digital by guiding recipients from your printed pieces to an online portal. Once a prospect is online, the ability to collect valuable marketing data is virtually endless. Furthermore, it becomes much easier to generate accurate and comprehensive ROI reports.

Here are some examples of creative ways QR Codes have been used in campaigns.

  • The aforementioned “click-to-call” technique on a landing page, thus turning your prospect’s cell phones into a direct response device.
  • Home Depot used QR Codes to drive their in-store customers to their website to read user reviews and additional information on the products they were scanning.
  • A technology services provider used QR Codes to drive prospects to a personalized landing page allowing them to request more info or schedule a consultation using a live online appointment scheduler.
  • A local retailer used QR Codes in their print ads so that anyone who scanned the code was given directions to the store using their devices Location Services and Google Maps.

These are great examples of how easy it is to harness the tried, tested and true direct-response power of direct mail with the latest web and mobile technologies. Leveraging them both offers your campaign the ability to capture responses on several levels and ultimately increase ROI.

So perhaps you should not expect your sales team to pour on the accolades when your new glossy catalog comes out. However, you’ll have the affection of a grateful sales team when you find your own innovative way to use QR Codes, capture leads and deliver them into their hands.

Need more? Check this out for more information about QR Codes and how to use them in your marketing.

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