Ever wonder why Structural Graphics owns and operates its own hand assembly facility in Piedras Negras, Mexico?

Because it’s an end-to-end solution that makes life easier for our clients. Our facility in Mexico helps us offer our clients secure, efficient and effective hand assembly services at outrageously competitive rates to reduce their time to market and increase their profitability.
And we like it that way.
It seems the rest of the country is catching on. In a recent press release issued by HSBC, one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations, the Mexican manufacturing sector is reporting an increase in production over the last month.
In fact, information collected by the global financial information provider Markit, show that production in Mexico has sustained monthly increases nearly every month since the surveys began in April 2011. The data is based on surveys sent to purchasing executives in approximately 400 manufacturing companies.
Cost effectiveness is the most apparent bottom line, according to a recent article by The New York Times. Many U.S. companies are looking to Mexico in order to fulfill production jobs as increasing labor wages and travel deter U.S. businesses from facilities in China.
U.S. companies that are doing business in Mexico report better production prices and increased convenience due to the country’s proximity to the states, and unlike China, nearly 50 percent of the parts being produced in Mexico come from the U.S., giving a boost to the American economy. Read more on “Why Mexico” from sources such as Bloomberg Businessweek and Business Insider.
“We make the entire process seamless for our clients. We’re licensed custom agents on both sides of the border and we own a fleet of trucks for cross border logistics. We also have a USPS detached mail unit on site. Our central location allows for more cost effective and timely distribution of drop shipments and mail. We provide top quality work turned quickly at a huge cost savings,” say SG representatives.
Hand Assembly Facility Tour from Structural Graphics on Vimeo.
SG’s assembly facility oversees hand assembly, fulfillment, kitting services, packaging construction, repackaging, relabeling and rework services.
To learn more about what we do there, visit sgassembles.com or call 1-860-767-2661. You can also request a quote for our services using our online form.