This is How High-Impact Marketing Works

I received a piece of product literature last week from a company called “Mindwave Research”. I assume it’s a product brochure which describes the company’s services. It’s a 4 color, wire-bound for easy page-turning and a great deal more attractive than other information that I normally receive. I have yet to look at it, but I don’t want to throw it away, either. It seems like it may be worth looking at, just by the way it was put together. It makes me think that there must be some value to the information that was sent to me. Like it or not, the thought and investment that was put into the creation of this brochure has had some kind of impact on me.

So, it sits on my desk, gets shuffled back and forth with all of my papers, and continually beckons me. I don’t have time for it right now… after all, I have other priorities (like writing about it). But there it is, slowly making its’ way into my psyche with each accidental glance and shuffle. I will read what this company has to say…..eventually. I may not be able to use their service, but at a minimum, I will know who they are.

Is there value to your business in putting deeper thought and care into the marketing literature that you send out to your target audience? If you provide something worth keeping around for awhile, do you think that will help your prospects know more about you? Do you think if they know more about you, they will be more likely than less to engage you at some point? Will they be more receptive to your Sales efforts if they recognize your name and recall the interesting piece of marketing that they received from you?

I tell you what…I don’t really like to receive phone calls from salespeople either (and I am one). But, if the guy who sent me this nice piece of product marketing from Mindware Research calls me, I almost feel obligated to talk with him. Besides, he might save me the time of having to read all of it (winning!).

Structural Graphics specializes in helping companies to create truly memorable marketing materials that are not only more likely to be kept around, but will also encourage the recipient to read and learn more about the product or service being marketed. And, because our designs are interactive, the recipient is engaged longer, and in a more stimulating way. So, here’s how I suggest you stand out:

  • Get their attention in a unique and memorable way
  • Engage and encourage them to interact with your message so that they learn more about the value of your product
  • Hit them with a follow up call or email about a week after it arrives (give it a little time to sink in).

Will you get all of them? Not a chance. Will you get more of them than if you don’t use this approach? I have my money on ‘yes’. And we have a whole bunch of customers who can attest to how much more effective their campaigns have been since coming to Structural Graphics.

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