Tag Archives: Technology and Print

Introducing: NEW SleekPeeks® Cardboard VR Viewers

Three years ago we introduced SleekPeeks®, a simple, affordable, easy-to-use Virtual Reality (VR) viewer that ships flat and can be fully customized to suit your brand and your audience’s needs. Now, we’re excited to share another version of the viewers our customers have come to love: SleekPeeks® Cardboard VR Viewers available on our online ordering division, Red Paper Plane.

Like our original SleekPeeks® design, these viewers can transport users to faraway places, strengthen experiential marketing or aid in teaching through demonstration. All a user needs to get started is a smartphone, and then they are able to engage in a 360-degree immersive experience.

Already, U.S. Army recruits, big kids and car lovers have been able to enjoy VR – often for the very first time – with our viewers.

Our new SleekPeeks® Cardboard Viewer features a sturdier construction, allowing your device to fit firmly and snugly in place. They also come with high-quality, Google-certified lenses and beautiful four-color printing.

Once the viewers are customized to fit your brand’s unique identity, they mail in an outer sleeve and assemble in seconds. First, slide the viewer out of the sleeve. Next, open the flap and unfold the side panels. Then, lift the side panels over the top and connect the velcro dots. Scan the QR code to download the Google Cardboard app. Rotate your smartphone horizontally and insert into the viewer. Close the flap to secure the viewer using the velcro tab. Enjoy! Here is a video to show the process in more detail.

Standard Pricing Includes:

  • Coated Top Sheet to Corrugate
  • Printing 4cp + Semi Gloss UV Coating
  • Hand Assemble and Insert Lenses
  • Bulk Packing for Shipment

Finished Size: 5.75″ x 3.625″ x 2.25″

5.00 oz each

Mailing Services/ Postage:
Note: Postage is additional charge and will be calculated once your mailing list is processed. Final payment is due prior to mailing.
First Class Parcel Rate: $3.18 – $3.83

For more information, visit redpaperplane.com.

Clever Ways to Incorporate VR Into Your Next Marketing Campaign

Take a moment and think back to your last vacation. Where was it? How was the weather? What did you see? But most importantly, how did it make you feel?

What if you could relive that vacation, or the feeling of driving a new car, or perhaps learn an entirely new skill? With Virtual Reality (VR), you can. Whether that’s traveling across the world or participating in a product demonstration remotely, this technology can be a great asset for any brand or marketing team.

While VR has existed for decades (think video gamers in their parents’ basement), it’s only recently made its way into consumers’ homes. Why? The barrier to entry has been so high. Traditional VR viewers were cumbersome and very expensive. However, the introduction of customizable, low-cost, easy-to-assemble viewers like our SleekPeeks® have made it easier than ever to interact with consumers in an entirely new way.

Take the U.S. ARMY, for example. They were looking to create a unique recruitment tool that could be customized to three themes: Sniper, Tank Commander and Bomb Tech. Our SleekPeeks® VR Viewers hit the mark.

MRM/McCann created “In Our Boots”, the VR app that would be used and directions were printed on the viewer detailing where the recipient could download it. Depending upon which soldier the viewer chose to hover over in the VR app, he or she was taken into an immersive experience that simulated the role of a Sniper, Tank Commander or Bomb Tech, allowing the viewer to assess whether or not the U.S. ARMY was for him or her.

Another unique use of our SleekPeeks® came in the form of a test drive. Hyundai was seeking to deliver the ultimate driving experience to prospective customers and sought out Structural Graphics with the help of Blanks Printing to bring their vision to reality. Users were easily able to pop the viewer into place, download the app and try the vehicle out in a safe environment.

Interested in incorporating virtual reality into your next marketing campaign? Contact us or start designing your own viewer here.