Staying Top of Mind in a Flooded Marketplace

It’s always been a challenge for marketers to find ways to stay top of mind with their customers and prospects. It’s even harder when your company offers services where the customer’s need is intermittent or unpredictable. This is the challenge our business faces every day. The question is; how can we be visible when the customer has a need?

Obviously you can’t mail or call all of your customers or prospects each week to find out if they need anything. Well, you probably could but you would get a lot of hate mail. You need to be confident that when the need arises your customers can find you.

One way to do this is with a high-impact mailer. Your prospects are getting dozens if not hundreds of envelopes and letters every day and most of them suffer a swift death in the recycling bin. But what if you sent them a small package that pops open? One of my favorite pieces here at Structural Graphics is our Book-Cube™. It never fails to surprise the recipient, even when they know it’s coming.

The Book-Cube is just one of the many high-impact designs we have created through the years. When people approach our booth at trade shows and tell us they received some cool piece that popped-open, or made a sound, or flipped over itself, or broke the rules of traditional mail in some unnatural way, we are delighted. This is the best way we stay top of mind with our prospects and customers.

Of course, there are other things your company should be doing. Sending out a weekly email newsletter is a great way to stay engaged with your database. With the dramatic increase in spam over the years this is much more difficult, but as long as you provide useful content in an consistent manner your email should get read.

The popularity of social networks and online groups has also created an avenue for marketers to communicate with their customers in a consistent and efficient way. This too has its limitations, but is still something you need to be looking at.

The reality for most marketers is that it’s impossible to insure all of your prospects and customers will keep you top of mind when the have a need for your services. But it’s important to communicate with them when they don’t need you, so you’re sure to be around when they do.

If you want your own surprise in the mail shoot me an email and I will personally send you one!

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