Sappi Paper Presents Print in the Mix

Sappi Paper’s Daniel Dejan presents an evolved approach to marketing.

This might be the moment where print, freed from its need to do everything, becomes even better at doing what it can do uniquely.

– from Why Ebooks Are Inspiring A New Age Of Print, Huffington Post

(Credit: Stefano Paltera/U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon)
(Credit: Stefano Paltera/U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon)

Daniel Dejan, an award winning print and creative manager from Sappi Paper recently came  to our Essex office to share ways that  print marketers can evolve their approach to marketing.

Dejan’s presentation,  “Print in the New Media Mix (Life with Print)” demonstrated how combining print with digital can add dimension to the print experience.

He also examined the role of eReaders and Tablets in publishing and readership.

We’ve outlined some takeaways for you, below.

1. Marketers need to know the difference between fads and trends. Fads carry a sense of impermanence; they appear quickly, semmingly out of nowhere, then dissipate just as fast. Trends evolve into something timeless – capable of changing the way consumers act and how marketers can best reach out to them.

2. Your customer drives the conversation – and also where you start it. Today’s consumer embraces a mix of different media. From magazines and TV to social networks and mobile phones, they are “media agnostic.” Marketers need to assess where their audience is and how to best use those mediums to reach out.

3. Knowing your customer delivers results. You have to go beyond the basic demographics – gender, age, location, etc. to build a customer insight. In-depth customer insight builds relationships that reward brand loyalty and should  be a crucial part of your outreach efforts.

4. Print is still important. Print continues to have the highest ROI when it comes to branding, marketing and retention, and it’s projected to grow over the next few years. The numbers don’t lie: when added to media campaigns, print increases ROI by 20 percent.

5. Magazines drive purchases and 70 percent of Americans (between 18 to 24 years old) prefer to read print and paper communications (source: Twosides Study). Despite declines in media buys, magazines increase purchase intent five times as much as TV and the Internet. (Source:, survey research from ICOM)

Looks like more-and-more, technology is doing less to out-perform print media – and more to evolve it.

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