Pharma Marketing Challenges? SG Has Your Solution.

In a highly regulated industry like health care, it’s common for pharmaceutical companies to skimp on their marketing efforts due to things like the complexity of the message they’re trying to send, lack of creativity within the marketplace, or absence of engaging displays.

At Structural Graphics, we understand the key challenges faced by the pharmaceutical industry and have been providing creative marketing solutions to companies operating within this space for more than four decades. Our interactive formats visually deliver your messaging to HCPs and patients through effective education, promotion, detail and welcome kit designs.

Here are just a few examples of how Structural Graphics can help solve your Pharmaceutical Marketing challenges:

Challenge: Developing educational marketing collateral that’s both effective and convenient, and can incorporate video.

SG Solution: Among our favorite designs are our customizable Video in Print Brochures. For an industry that thrives on demonstrations, education and creating a welcoming environment, these can be used as sales aids for detail representatives or product demonstrations for new patients.

Challenge: As early adopters of new technology, there’s a disconnect with our marketing.

SG Solution: Incorporating technology into your marketing campaigns is also a great solution for physicians and other healthcare providers. In a profession which requires people to continually update their ways of doing business more efficiently and effectively, we’ve seen that NFC tags, QR codes, lights, sound, and web keys provide more value to those in the pharmaceutical industry and capture attention where it’s needed most.

Challenge: Breaking down complex information into an easily digestible format.

SG Solution: Using dimension, movement and creativity, our designs can be used strategically to reduce complex information into easy-to-digest segments. For instance, our patented Flapper design allows brands and agencies to guide recipients through their messaging via four distinct panels. The panels fold in on themselves, resulting in an engaging, yet effective, direct mail piece that can’t be put down.

See our full Pharmaceutical Marketing offering here.

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