Magazine Inserts Offer High Engagement Opportunities

The past five years have been tough on the magazine industry. In fact, 2008 – 2009 saw sharp declines in magazine advertising. However, in the past two years the numbers have rebounded and marketers are returning to a trusted performer. If you look at the numbers you can see clear signs that some magazines are simply failing to keep circulation numbers, especially with all of the digital content that is available to readers. However, many specialty magazines are seeing increases in circulation. Fortunately, these are the magazines that offer the greatest targeting opportunities for marketers.

Structural Graphics has a long history with the magazine industry, creatingoldinsert memorable and engaging high-impact magazine inserts. This isn’t to say we’re the only ones doing great magazine work. Check out this collection of amazing magazine inserts that are truly unique – and what’s more, many of them effectively bridge that fickle gap between print and digital. These aren’t the ads your grandmother flipped through, but if you’re nostalgic about this stuff, check out this great collection of old magazine ads from 20’s through the 70’s.

You may not realize how many marketing opportunities magazine inserts really offer. Through the years we have truly tested the limits of magazine binding to squeeze in every bit of impact we can get into such a small space. For example, we’ve used many non-traditional elements, like the fuzzy material we used to create this cool Tide insert. We have also never limited ourselves by the dimensions of the magazine, as is evident in this highly effective HBO Exploding page insert.

macdonalds adHigh-impact magazine inserts have a unique ability to engage the reader and drive consumer response. Nothing exemplifies this better than the McDonald’s coupon insert we produced for the launch of the Fruit and Walnut Salad. Working with DDB Chicago, we designed an insert that would “explode” open when the reader turned the page and deliver two coupons. We produced over 7 million inserts that ran in several Conde Nast publications. Though we don’t have exact figures, the piece resulted in extremely high coupon redemption rates. You can download the full case study for more details.

Check out more of Structural Graphics’ high-impact Magazine Inserts, or let us send you a few samples.

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