Evolving Brand Experience with Print

If it seems like we’re pretty focused on augmented reality technology lately, it’s because we are. We’re giving businesses cutting edge, sensory ways to reach consumers. 

Seth Lieberman, CEO of SnapApp recently penned an article in Direct Marketing News titled “Publishers, Content, and Engagement—Oh My!” urging direct marketers to stop fearing technology and instead start evolving their approach.

“Technology cannot entirely replace the role of real paper or direct mail. Integrating digital marketing tactics such as: online media, landing pages, QR codes, personalized URLs, coordinated email blasts, and on demand personalization is a necessary practice with direct mail. Regardless, these channels in no way replace the special role that direct mail plays in today’s marketing.”

That special role Seth’s talking about is reachability. The Direct Marketing Association’s 2014 Statistical Report outlines an increase in direct mail volume along with increasing effectiveness of personalized mailers in the last year.

Structural Graphics has been improving the success rate of direct mail through its propulsive collaborations with innovative companies like Taggar, who is using the intelligence of Cloud-based technology to give companies mind-blowing, personal, and interactive experiences with customers.

Taggar, which has been in the AR game since 2011, is what John describes as the “second generation AR ” because it has three major components: Cloud intelligence, recognition, and unlimited scalability.

“The first generation of AR was about the phone seeing something, recognizing it and playing it back. There was no Cloud, no social and no scalability. Taggar put a ‘brain’ out there — to offer more interaction and engagement and offload all processing off the phone. Now AR can know what it’s looking at and give more information tailored to what you’re looking for. That’s the game changer — to say Cloud can be used as intelligence.”

The application gives print a bridge to technology, enabling smartphone users access to interactive media like 3D and 2D animation, videos and photos, gaming and other media rich content — all based in a palpable print piece.

Integrating print and technology is the easy part. What companies really have to do to be successful with digitally enhanced direct mail is have the right attitude. Taggar has executed app campaigns with high profile companies in the entertainment, fashion, and sports industries — companies with a willingness to engage people on a much deeper level.

“They are not afraid to go out and engage in social. They want consumers to communicate back to them about their experience utilizing the brand,” John says. “It’s about how a brand can be a part of your life rather than just pitching and selling you.”

Want to learn more about our technology enhanced products? Call 860-767-2661 or drop us a line at [email protected].

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