Delivering impact with Direct Mail

Many of the marketing solutions we develop for clients include some type of digital component, either an email or landing page. When we are designing a landing page or an email there is one inescapable truth that hangs over the design process like a black cloud. You canspammy spend days or even weeks perfecting the design and usability of a landing page or an email. But when it’s time to release it to the world you are faced with the reality that the recipient may only spend a split second with your fabulous design. You’re given one chance (and a short one at that) to make an impression and keep the recipient’s attention.

It is this shortcoming of landing pages and email where I believe direct mail truly stands out. Yes, we have all sorted through a pile of mail and quickly discarded things that were of no interest. But with direct mail the recipient has something tangible he or she can touch. If you make an impression with the recipient, your piece has the opportunity to stick around for longer than the time it takes to click delete.

describe the imageOur clients know that direct mail can do more than deliver a message and be tossed in the trash. When you make an immediate impression with the recipient you have the opportunity to not only delivery your message, but also make a lasting impact. In marketing, impact usually equates to response; which is why our direct mail delivers average response rates of 8.51%.

This doesn’t mean that all direct mail is created equal. I can discard a postcard or letter nearly as fast as I can delete an email or click off a landing page. But when I receive a nice package that is engaging, I spend much more time with it, even if I’m not interested in the company that sent it.

Every week, without question, I will receive two or three letters from insurance and financial companies. Ever since our first child was born we have had a target on our mailbox and many companies are convinced we need more insurance or savings. They’re right, but that’s not the point. The point is that 90% of these solicitations are delivered as plain white envelopes with a long letter. There is no attempt on the marketer’s part to engage me or give me much of a reason to pay attention.

Take a look at some of the direct mail that does create impact and engagement with the recipient. You won’t see any envelopes or postcards.


Direct Mail Response Rate Fact Sheet (pdf)

Case Studies

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