Category: Direct Mail Marketing

Ways to Ensure Your Company Launches an Effective Direct Mail Campaign

Although electronic advertising is extremely popular, direct mail campaigns still make a significant impact on customers. This week I really wanted to look at how a company can produce an effective direct mail campaign with a few simple, but crucial, guidelines. How can your company ensure that their direct mail campaign is successful? First you need to create a budget but don’t forget to take into consideration the cost of materials, shipping, and printing. Craft a clever and dependable message. The message is often the most important part of any marketing piece. Be certain that the mailing list is being sent to the appropriate customer base or the message and responses that your company is looking for will be lost. When you compile a list of contacts take into consideration factors such as demographics and location. By paying attention to the particular audience you want to reach your message will be more effective leading to higher response rates. Make sure that the content included in your direct mail campaign is clear and understandable so that those you are targeting comprehend the message. It is always important to have a call-to-action for your customers.

Once again I cannot stress the importance of having a direct mail piece that really does stand out from the rest of the clutter in the mail. Lastly, measure, measure, measure!  Measure and track the success of your campaign so that you are able to see those who are responding to your direct marketing effort.

Direct Mail Is Not Ancient

Direct mail marketing is one of the oldest forms of effective marketing strategies. Some may ask, “Is direct mail still effective?” Yes, in fact it can prove to produce a larger response rate than e-mail. It is especially successful when it is “lumpy/bulky” and rather different from the typical “billing mail”. In today’s world we are bombarded continuously with various e-mails that, lets be honest, most of us don’t even give the time of day. Of course e-mail is less expensive however it is less receptive due to the fact that it can be mistaken as spam.

According to a study conducted by Epsilon Targeting, direct mail marketing is much more receptive and preferred over e-mail. Furthermore, it is more personable and it shows that “you” as the company are trying to really make a connection with “your” individual consumers. Yes, it may be slightly more expensive but the return may prove to be greater than what one would receive with a simple e-mail campaign. Combining these two forms of direct marketing can also assist in generating a higher response rate. One could simply send out a direct mail campaign and then follow up with an e-mail. This may seem to be a more aggressive approach however your target audience may have a better chance of remembering your company. So as one can see that although direct mail marketing is considered ancient it is still successful in the world of marketing during this digital age.mailbox resized 600

It’s 90 degrees out – time to think about the holidays!

Last night I saw my first “back to school sale” television ad of the season, though my wife reported that they have been airing for weeks already. As a kid this was the worst feeling. You knew that the carefree days of summer were dwindling and any day now your mom was going to be dragging you out to buy Fall clothes, binders, pens and organizers. As an adult, I look forward to the autumn. The cool night air brings relief to the scorching hot days and humidity, and we are always thankful that our air conditioner survived another year.

With the unusually hot summer in the North East, it’s hard to imagine that HolidayCardsmarketers need to be thinking about the holiday season. Every year we try and remind clients that it’s time to begin planning for the holiday season and getting holiday card programs underway.

As you may know, we don’t send out your average holiday cards. Using one of our high-impact dimensional designs we try to surprise recipients every year with a unique and engaging design. This all takes time, however. Though our turnaround times have gotten shorter as our procedures have become more efficient, it’s important to leave enough time to plan and execute the perfect holiday card program.

Check out Susie’s featured video of the week for more on our high-impact holiday cards. You can also request samples today.

A surprise in the mail, my favorite design

The key to a high response, regardless of the medium, is engagement. You need to engage the user in a meaningful way to prompt them to take notice and, if relevant, take action. Though Structural Graphics creates engaging marketing solutions using a variety of mediums, the core of our business is our printed direct mail work.

From the time we first started designing dimensional paper mechanisms in a small office in eastern Connecticut over 30 years ago, we have always pursued one objective; to get our direct mail designs noticed. Since that time we have grown and spanned out across the globe. We jumped on the digital bandwagon and with our clients, explored new and exciting marketing opportunities. Now we can create powerful integrated campaigns that take from the best of both worlds, traditional direct mail and interactive digital solutions.

One of the first designs I held in my hand, on the day of my interview back in 2004, quickly became my favorite. I remember it because it was startling and I was a bit embarrassed. Well, embarrassed in the way that it’s embarrassing to be woken up from a quick doze on the train by a stranger. For that “surprise-factor”, the Book-Cube™ is a favorite of many of our clients as well.

bookcube1Our Book-Cube design is unique because it actually mails flat, then springs into life once the user opens it. Using rubber bands to activate the “pop”, the recipient is instantly engaged, surprised, startled and amused… all at the same time.

The Book-Cube design has been successfully used by a variety of industries. Colleges have used it to grab the attention of the hard-to-reach teenager. Pharmaceutical companies have used it to stand out in the piles of mail that doctors receive. Automotive companies have used it to create engagement with car buyers and dealers. I could go on, but you get the point.

If you haven’t seen a Book-Cube I encourage you to contact us so we can send you one. It may or may not be the right design for your next campaign, but the experience alone will help you to understand how Structural Graphics can help you add an element of surprise into your direct mail; and you’ll know immediately why it remains my favorite design.

Extra: See how a 3 year old reacts to the Book-Cube design.

Delivering impact with Direct Mail

Many of the marketing solutions we develop for clients include some type of digital component, either an email or landing page. When we are designing a landing page or an email there is one inescapable truth that hangs over the design process like a black cloud. You canspammy spend days or even weeks perfecting the design and usability of a landing page or an email. But when it’s time to release it to the world you are faced with the reality that the recipient may only spend a split second with your fabulous design. You’re given one chance (and a short one at that) to make an impression and keep the recipient’s attention.

It is this shortcoming of landing pages and email where I believe direct mail truly stands out. Yes, we have all sorted through a pile of mail and quickly discarded things that were of no interest. But with direct mail the recipient has something tangible he or she can touch. If you make an impression with the recipient, your piece has the opportunity to stick around for longer than the time it takes to click delete.

describe the imageOur clients know that direct mail can do more than deliver a message and be tossed in the trash. When you make an immediate impression with the recipient you have the opportunity to not only delivery your message, but also make a lasting impact. In marketing, impact usually equates to response; which is why our direct mail delivers average response rates of 8.51%.

This doesn’t mean that all direct mail is created equal. I can discard a postcard or letter nearly as fast as I can delete an email or click off a landing page. But when I receive a nice package that is engaging, I spend much more time with it, even if I’m not interested in the company that sent it.

Every week, without question, I will receive two or three letters from insurance and financial companies. Ever since our first child was born we have had a target on our mailbox and many companies are convinced we need more insurance or savings. They’re right, but that’s not the point. The point is that 90% of these solicitations are delivered as plain white envelopes with a long letter. There is no attempt on the marketer’s part to engage me or give me much of a reason to pay attention.

Take a look at some of the direct mail that does create impact and engagement with the recipient. You won’t see any envelopes or postcards.


Direct Mail Response Rate Fact Sheet (pdf)

Case Studies

Article: Direct Mail’s Resurgence and New Role in Integrated Marketing

There is a great article on Target Marketing’s website, posted by Brian Wagner on April 23rd. Brian discusses the struggles that direct mail went through during the economic downturn of recent years. Interestingly, he also discusses how well direct mail fits in with your digital strategy. In a time when direct mail takes a bit of heat for not being the new kids on the block, smart marketers understand that they need to use direct mail allong with their online efforts to create truly effective integrated campaigns.

It’s a quick read, well worth a few minutes of your time.

“Direct mail is very much alive today and continues to be the workhorse for many brand marketing efforts. It has been, and continues to be, at the very heart and soul of direct response marketing.” read more


Article: Social Media Rocks But Don’t Forget About Direct Mail

Social media is certainly an important component in most B-to-C campaigns these days. This article confirms the ROI value of social media but also makes compelling points about the value of direct mail.

Direct mail surprisingly transcends the age demographic, with younger consumers (the 18- to 34-year-old demographic) preferring to learn about marketing offers via postal mail rather than online sources, according to national survey research from ICOM,” said Lisa Formica, president of FMI, a direct mail marketing and advertising firm.

Read the full article

Being Different but ending up the same

A few weeks ago, while strolling past the House of Blues in Orlando, I was reminded of an important distinction when it comes to being different. The band playing the night I happened to walk by was Falling in Reverse. The crowd was wrapped around the entire building anxiously waiting for the doors to open. I saw at least a thousand people. Nearly everyone was decked out in full-blown “Goth.” Those of you not familiar with the look need only Google the term to see exactly what I mean. There were so many people sporting black shirts, black or purple dyed hair and painted nails and faces that those more conservatively dressed concert-goers stuck out like a sore thumb.

As we soaked in some of the best people-watching around, I turned to my wife and asked her why she thought people wanted to be so different. She turned to me looking a bit puzzled and replied, “What do you mean, they’re all exactly the same?” She was right; no one in the crowd was being different, at least not in their world.

When it comes to marketing, being different is usually a good thing. However, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to be different, stand out, get noticed, that you end up being exactly the same. I remember when mailers began using “Express Mail” look-alike envelopes for their mailings. Who’s going to ignore an important overnight express envelope? Then, the trend caught on and fizzled out just as quickly. I assume once people got used to seeing fake looking express packages in their mailbox, response rates began to drop.

People I talk to at tradeshows or in presentations want Structural Graphics to help them “do something different.” But, being different should not be the goal of your campaign. The goal is a higher response and return on your investment and to achieve that, you need to engage your audience. To engage your audience you need to be unexpected and relevant; not different.

There is no doubt we help our clients get noticed; sometimes by being different. Many of our packages stand out because they are dimensional and unexpected, but that’s not where all of the marketing magic is. We don’t create our designs just to be different, but rather to engage the recipient and drive a response. The designs we recommend, whether it’s a new custom solution or a proven classic design like the Flapper, are chosen for their ability to deliver your message in an impactful, engaging and relevant way.

For example, Drexel University wanted to capture the attention of college-bound students.DrexelUniversity These students are used to receiving dozens of mailers from lots of different schools, so they knew they had to stand out. But they also had to be memorable and engaging. Drexel achieved this using our Flat Book-Cube design. It shipped flat but when the recipient opened it they were treated to a huge surprise as the piece jumped out at them. It got their attention and the campaign was a great success.

Essilor, the world’s leading provider of eyeglass lenses, was looking to promote a new brand along with a rewards program. They used the Rolling Cube design to grab the recipient’s attention, provide information about the program and drive them to a sweepstakes site. The integrated campaign was a success and garnered a 31% response rate. You can read more about the Essilor campaign in our case study.

My point was not to take you through a list of companies that have used Structural Graphics to build their brands, launch products, engage recipients and produce better ROI. It was to remind you that being different isn’t always that different. Your goal is to be engaging and relevant. When we were in Orlando I probably could have painted my nails black, worn some dark clothes and dyed my hair; and I would have stood out as we walked through Disney’s beautiful Downtown area, but if I had been there to see a concert at the House of Blues that night, I would have only been another face in the crowd.

To learn more about engaging your customers check out our Industry Specific High-Impact Marketing Guide. You’ll be able to download several case studies and learn more about how we serve your industry’s marketing needs.

Direct mail preferred over email across key verticals

We wanted to share a study that was written about in BtoB Magazine. Epsilon Targeting, a consumer research company, conducted the study this year of 2,226 consumers. Here are the key findings.

  • 36% of U.S. consumers and 40% of Canadians said direct mail is the preferred channel to receive financial services information;
  • 26% of U.S. consumers and 30% of Canadians said direct mail is more trustworthy than email;
  • 50% of U.S. consumers and 48% of Canadians said they pay more attention to postal mail than email;
  • 60% of U.S. consumers and 64% of Canadians said they enjoy checking the mailbox for postal mail, highlighting an emotional connection;
  • 30% of U.S. consumers said they’re receiving more mail that interests them compared to a year ago, and just 50% (down from 63% in 2010) said more information is sent to them in the mail — indicating marketers are improving targeting efforts;
  • The perception that reading email is faster declined among U.S. email account holders to 45% in 2011 (from 47% in 2010), suggesting clogged inboxes are draining time.

Read the full article. Read the Epsilon Targeting study results.

Article: Curiosity creates response for marketers

caarticleWe wanted to share a great article that was recently published in Direct Marketing magazine in Canada. It was written by our friend and business partner, Andrew MacEachern, president of Information Packaging, Inc. in Toronto. Though Information Packaging offers their own line of dimensional mail products they also offer Structural Graphics’ designs and marketing products, exclusively to the Canadian market. Andrew has been in the industry for many years and we have worked closely with him developing high-impact marketing solutions for businesses up north.

Click here to download the November issue of Direct Marketing and scroll down to page 4 to read his article. Andrew discusses how to use dimensional mail effectively and the best way to integrate digital assets like QR codes and landing pages to add impact to your campaigns. It’s well worth the quick read.