This year we’re doing something a little different at the DMA show. We’re not going to talk exclusively about us when you visit our booth (732). We want to talk about your campaigns and your marketing challenges.
Instead of passing out squeeze toys or raffling an iPad or setting out a bowl of candy, we’re offering something that will really help you. Bring us your direct mail pieces or other collateral and let us show you how we can turn it into a highly effective dimensional campaign! We’ll take your materials and bring it back to our design and strategy team. In about a week we’ll follow up with you and offer some ideas and design concepts for a new campaign. It’s that simple. There is no obligation to buy anything, you can keep the ideas and concepts if you would like. Just give us the chance to show you something innovative, proven and most importantly, effective.
You may not be aware, but you don’t have to buy a full conference pass to see the show! You can register for an exhibit hall pass for as little as $150.
We hope to see you there!