All posts by admin

The friendly car dealer and the hard sell

This past weekend we went through what was perhaps the most pleasant car buying experience of our lives. My wife and I visited the car dealer with our guards up, our strategy pre-planned and committed to memory and were prepared. What we found was a friendly sales person who clearly wanted to make a sale, but seemingly more important, was making us happy.  His approach was anything but hard. He asked us about our needs, what attracted us to the model we were looking at and where we wanted to be as far as price. Our approach was soft too, but at the same time, direct. I explained that we really didn’t want to play the “let me ask my manager” game. We didn’t have three hours to haggle and were not interested in negotiating the monthly payment, but rather the cost of the car. The approach seemed to work and he put together an aggressive offer. With one back-and-forth we had the deal done.

The experience reminded me of the benefits of soft selling. It may just be my personality that appreciates that, but I don’t think so. I tend to believe that most people would appreciate that approach to selling. Let’s take a look at the difference between the two.

The Soft Selling approach is usually focused on relationship building and trust.  You don’t apply noticeable pressure on the client, but rather, you gently lead them where you want them to go. It also includes providing the client with all of the information they need to make an informed decision. Most importantly, there needs to be a mutual benefit to both parties. The sales person actually cares whether or not the client is a good fit for their product or service so that they are left happy with the transaction.

In a Hard Selling approach things work differently. Relationship building and trust are not as important as getting the deal done. The sales pitch is much more deliberate and perhaps a little gimmicky. “Hey, it’s the end of the month and I need one more sale to make my numbers. I can cut you a great deal to get this done today.”

describe the imageBefore we left the dealership I asked our sales guy if he thought of himself as a “soft sell.” He said, “Absolutely. Most of my colleagues are a bit old school and can muster up a really high pressure sale. They tend to make their numbers but I don’t think their customers are always very happy. I usually see my customers again in a few years.”

I can’t say for sure how genuine the guy was being. Perhaps the soft sell is an act and just a mask for the hardest sell of all. Luring someone in with a nice smile and a trustworthy tone, all the while manipulating the deal to his/her own benefit.  I prefer to believe he was genuine and that his soft sell approach comes from a real desire to make customers happy.

I spoke with a couple of friends who are in sales. One sells financial products, the other, furniture. The friend who sells furniture thought that my description of a hard sell was a little unfair. “Sometimes customers need more pressure to make a decision. That doesn’t mean they will be unhappy or have buyer’s remorse, it just means someone needed to push them a bit.”  The other friend struck a similar chord. “With so much competition out there you have to be a bit aggressive to catch the fish. If you’re too passive about selling you could easily get passed over when the next great offer lands in their inbox.”

Well, it seems clear that you can make a strong argument for either sales approach. I suppose it really depends on being able to read your customer and determine which approach will work best. Of course, what you’re selling makes a difference too. If you’re selling expensive “major decision” products like vehicles, maybe you need to be a little more forceful, after all the next dealership is just down the road. I would just warn that an unhappy customer who thinks they were ripped off by a car dealership or pressured into a deal they were not comfortable with, is going to tell his/her friends. On the other hand, someone who has a truly pleasant experience with a car dealer may only write about it somewhere on a blog.

Trying to Please Google

For nearly a decade Google has ruled the internet. In fact, for at least the past 6 years, Google’s traffic has been more than triple its closest competitor, Yahoo. Google’s popularity, coupled with the introduction of Adwords, Google’s advertising platform, has made them the holy grail of search engine optimizers and marketers. Search engine optimization (SEO) came into its own as a viable business service because of Google. The very same SEO process can be viewed on Social Firestarter homepage, which is helping lawyers understand how they can get more clients. All of the sudden you could pay someone to optimize your website and climb to the top of the search results page. However, with the many legitimate search marketers there were those that were willing to help website owners trick Google into ranking them higher than was warranted.

The term “black hat” SEO refers to techniques that are used on your website in order to trick Google’s algorithm into ranking your site higher for a given search term. However, Google’s algorithm has steadily become more sophisticated which makes these practices less fruitful. Furthermore, Google will not hesitate to ban your site completely if you engage in practices it determines are “black hat”. Being left out of the largest search engine in the world is enough of a deterrent for most website owners.

google frustratedLast week, New York Times reported that J.C. Penney had been caught by Google employing a “black hat” SEO tactic. According to the article, J.C. Penney was trying to improve their rankings for search terms like;  “skinny jeans,” “home decor,” “comforter sets,” “furniture” and several others. For months was ranking number one on Google for those highly competitive search terms. Specifically, the method they used was to add links to hundreds of other sites leading back to their site. By adding these thousands (2,015 to be exact) of links (essentially also called Niche Edits), they tricked Google into thinking was more relevant for these terms than was the case. Once it was discovered, they worked with Google to correct the problem. Google did not release any specifics about what they called “corrective action”, but went from number one for most of these terms to number 60 or 70, or worse.  It was not an all-out ban, but a pretty damaging blow to their online marketing efforts nonetheless.  A J.C. Penney spokesperson claimed they had no idea who did this, but they quickly fired their search marketing firm.

So how do you stay on Google’s good side while optimizing your website for the best possible rankings? While their search ranking algorithm is a closely guarded secret, like Colonel Sanders’ recipe, there are things you can do that Google openly endorses.

Quality Linking: One of the most influential factors in ranking well are the links inbound to your website. However, quality is the key. If you’re selling furniture and you have a link from a financial services website, Google will not give that any weight. However, if you have a link from one of the major furniture association, Google will interpret that as an endorsement of sorts and give it more weight. Links structure is also important. For example, if the link says “Click here for furniture” it will carry a lower quality score than if the link says ‘Quality Outdoor Furniture”. I could spend countless blog postings discussing the value of links and how to properly use them. However, my goal here is to just make you aware of it. It’s important to talk to the person in charge of your website (even if it’s a marketing agency) and ask them about your linking strategy.

Quality Content: When search engines were in their infancy you only needed to pack your website full of the keywords you wished to rank for and that was it. That was because rudimentary search engines only looked at content and determined value and rank by the quantity of relevant content. This is no longer the case. Your website needs quality content that’s original and updated regularly. In fact, it’s widely believed that Google gives more credibility to sites that are updated on a regular basis.

Quality content comes in many forms. The most common form is the descriptions and blurbs that live right on your main web pages. These need to be well thought out, written statements because that is the first thing the search engines see when they visit your site. Another form of content is the type that is updated frequently, like blogs, articles, and even status updates.  Blogs are great opportunities to post fresh, quality content about your business or industry. Search engines love blogs. Having a repository for any articles you have written is great too. Similar to a blog, an article repository establishes your company as experts in your industry and certainly contributes positively to your online reputation. Lastly, social networking status updates are important too. If your company is on Facebook or Twitter, it’s a good idea and a growing trend to have your updates fed directly on your website. It’s fresh, regularly updated content, and contributes to your social networking efforts.

Those are two of the main contributing factors to your website’s search engine ranking. There are undoubtedly dozens or even hundreds of other factors that go into Google’s algorithm, but if you have a solid foundation of quality content and good inbound links, you have taken a giant leap in the ultimate goal of ranking well.  J.C Penney, or perhaps their agency, tried to take a shortcut. There really are no legitimate shortcuts in the SEO world. You can’t pay someone to rank you high overnight, or even in a month or two, despite the countless solicitations you may receive with contradictory claims.

The Expanding Role of Information in your Personalized Campaigns

When asked about the possibility of life in the Universe outside of our planet, an astronomer working for NASA answered; “If you take a cup and fill it with water from the ocean, you probably wouldn’t see any life. To assume there is no other life in the universe is to assume that there is no life in the ocean because you didn’t find any in your cup. That’s how little of the Universe we understand.”  The vanity of assuming there is no other life in the Universe is symptomatic of a lack of information. A marketing campaign isn’t quite as grand as the Universe, but in your world it probably is. The Universe of marketing is brimming with possibilities and untapped resources that you may not be taking advantage of. Perhaps lack of information in your universe is robbing your campaigns of these opportunities.

Information plays a crucial role in two parts of your campaign. At the genesis of a campaign, your concern should be the quality of your list. It used to be that a quality list was just having all of the names current and addresses updated. Nowadays, you need a bit more. For example, it’s great to know that John Smith still lives at 33 Sherman Lane in New Haven, CT, but do you know anything else about John? If you’re selling insurance, do you know whether John owns a car, or is close to retirement, or has children that need insurance? Those are examples of the intelligence you need from the beginning. Now, I know this is all target marketing 101, but stay with me here. There are some really cool things you can be doing with this information.

personalization1What if your direct mail piece gave John a personalized URL to visit? Using the information you have on John, you could display personalized images that are applicable to him. You can offer him products and promotions that are targeted just to him, something that speaks directly to his needs. Target marketing on the most basic level is hitting the right prospects based on a few demographics. Target marketing has evolved into personalization. If you’re not personalizing your campaign, then you’re really not speaking directly with individuals, you’re just marketing to a group.

Having more information about your campaign prospects will help enhance your follow up capabilities as well. Going back to John and his insurance needs; let’s say John visits your campaign’s landing page and fills out a form because he’s interested in your personalized offer. Since you already know where John lives, what his interest in insurance is and, specifically, what product is appropriate for him, you can direct that lead to the appropriate sales person or office based on geography and also specialty. Someone can follow up with John’s request with the advantage of already knowing a little bit about him. Furthermore, you can use the information you already know about John and whatever additional details he provided to automatically send the data directly to your CRM software and have it categorized and formatted properly.

Another advantage to the personalized approach is that you can require less of your prospects. For example, when they get to the landing page you can have all of their information pre-populated in a form so that responding to your offer is very easy. They will also be more likely to provide additional details and qualifying information, because there is a bunch of information they don’t have to fill out. Don’t overlook how impactful this feature can really be in your campaign response. There is a coffee website that I order my coffee supplies from for my home office. I don’t order from them because they have the best selection or lowest prices. I order from them because they send personalized reminders every month to me. When I click on their emails it takes me to my personalized order page with all of my information filled out. All I need to do is select the coffee I want and hit confirm. I don’t even need to login because the personalized email is embedded with that information. I love the simplicity of it.

So allow me to assume this all sounds pretty good to you. But the question becomes, do I have all of this information on my prospects? Maybe not, and that’s OK. You can use the information you do have to enhance your personalized campaign and further enhance your database. For example, let’s say all you knew about John was his address. You could send John a personalized direct mail piece and email that invites him to visit his personalized landing page. On that page you could still add all of the information you do know about him and ask him for a bit more. Perhaps offer him a premium or special of some sort just for answering a few questions and confirming his information. We have used this approach at Structural Graphics many times to insure our database is up-to-date. We simply ask people to provide a bit more information about themselves so we can send them information about our products and services that are relevant to them and their business or industry. Finally, you’ll be able to feed all of that data directly into your CRM.

For as long as we have been creating campaigns for our clients, we have always stressed the importance of a solid prospect list. You can send the coolest direct mail piece with the best offer, but without being targeted and personalized, it’s just junk mail. Advancements in online and offline technologies have created some really powerful opportunities for combining print and digital in your campaigns. To take advantage of these opportunities you need the right information. There is quite literally an entire Universe out there that is yet to be explored, the same is true for marketing.

Lead quality woes and your website

About four years ago I participated in a lengthy search engine optimization course to be certified as an SEO Expert by SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization.)  The course was very helpful and taught me a lot about how to build traffic on your website organically. Just recently, I was looking over the many pages of notes I took and looking for some ideas for our 2011 web strategy. I was surprised at the way the course discussed the value of social networking sites, as a method for driving traffic, not leads. Furthermore, the core goal of SEO was, again, to simply drive more traffic. There was no mention of leads, conversion rate or ROI.

seoFour years later (decades in web-time) we know there is more. SEO is not the only consideration when you’re talking about web visibility. SEM (search engine marketing) is the practice of increasing site traffic through paid methods, like pay-per-click advertising, banners and content sponsorship.   There are also social networks to consider.  How important are they? In the past five years search marketing experts have been in a fervor over having a Twitter and Facebook account for your business, getting the maximum number of people to “Like” your company page, getting more “followers”, etc., etc.  All of this with the single goal in mind… traffic.

In recent years we have come to realize that our website’s traffic is not a good indicator of the quantity of quality leads we get. Since we get traffic from all types of sources like design websites, educational institutions, associations, and, of course, social networking sites, our leads vary in quality pretty dramatically. To explore this more we broke down the traffic statistics and compiled them with lead statistics and actual sales.  We were then able to measure the dollar value of a single website visit and a web lead. Now, our main focus is not on increasing traffic per se, but rather, the dollar value of a single visit.

I encourage you to look at the value of a single visit on your website. All you really need is your basic website statistics and knowledge of the lead flow and sales of your company. Once you have that information you can start thinking critically about how you drive traffic to your website. For example, do 1000 additional Twitter followers have the same value as a quality article or whitepaper posted on your website?

Here are some suggestions on how you can begin to increase the value of traffic to your site.

1. If you are running online campaigns, make sure you are targeting the appropriate groups. Most credible advertising services online allow you to target by a variety of demographics. Furthermore, try using services other than search marketing PPC (Google Adwords, Yahoo, Bing), like Linked In or Facebook where you can be very specific about who you target. You may also consider sponsoring industry email newsletters or websites.

2. Create special landing pages on your site for specific campaigns or product lines. This will help filter your traffic to the appropriate areas of your website.

3. On your “request information” form, or whatever call-to-action form you use, add a few simple qualifying questions. There is no need to get too specific and annoy your user, but adding a couple of questions will help make your leads more relevant. For example, you may ask a question asking the prospect’s company size, or even specific goals for using your services.

4. Provide enough information on your website to allow users to determine for themselves if they are an appropriate candidate for your services. Many companies don’t like to provide information like pricing or volume discounts, or whatever, because they fear their competition. However, your website’s objective is to drive relevant leads to your business. Don’t let your concerns about competition hinder your ability to attract new customers.

Hopefully, taking some of these steps will help increase the value of your leads. Try and clear your mind of the natural obsession over number of visits or, number of email subscribers, or Followers, or Likes. That may be the objective for some people or businesses, but your objective should be quality.  We would rather have one relevant Twitter follower reading our updates than a thousand irrelevant followers. Those ego-driven statistics just don’t mean anything to our business.

The Evolution of Your Website and Emerging Trends

It makes me feel truly old to be able to say that I have lived through and experienced the entire evolution of the Internet; from the first room-sized computer to the proliferation of shopify stores. In truth, the foundation for the Internet began before my time when universities started to build information databases and networked them across phone lines. But I do remember the first time I was able to get an email account, chat online in the original AOL chat rooms and Instant Messenger, and of course, browse the Web.

In the early 2000’s, just after the dot-com boom and bust the term Web 2.0 came into fashion, all of a sudden websites were expected to interact with the browser in new ways. Visitors now wanted to interact with other users. Social networks became popular and then integrating social networking features into websites became a standard. Today, it’s nearly impossible to find any website that isn’t directly connected to Facebook or Twitter, allowing users to share content with their friends. It has changed the way people find and use websites, shop, find restaurants, lookup directions and basically everything else online. What could possibly be next?

The debate has already begun about what Web 3.0 will be. It will most likely involve new web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3. Regardless, there are some really neat emerging web trends that you should be aware of. I actually don’t consider them trends since they are quickly becoming standards. You be the judge. However, notice that all of the trends (or standards) listed below are supposed to add usability and value to your website. They are not meant to make your site “cooler” like with those nifty Flash intros that drive people crazy. Geez, those are so 2005. In all seriousness, these are elements that add value for the visitor and therefore, to your business.

Simple Color Schemes and Fonts

As in most of life, simple is better. A nice quiet background with simple fonts and colors can create a pleasing experience for the visitor. Using two or three colors at most and keep your fonts easy to read and consistent. Click here for a good example.

Mobile Friendly Design

mobileMobile web browsing has taken a huge leap forward in the past few years. With the introduction of the iPhone, Droid devices, netbooks and now iPads, people are able to connect from virtually everywhere. This means your website needs to look good at any resolution. This doesn’t mean you need to have a special “mobile-version” of your site.  In fact, that’s not such a good idea anyway. More and more devices are offering users a “view original site” button that allows them to view your website as if they were on a computer.  Your website just needs to be sure it is written and designed in a way that allows it to be viewable from small screen resolutions. Use icons and thumbnails to allow viewers to easily see what they are clicking on. Google has recently integrated thumbnail previews into their search results page. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for and less likely you’ll land on a site you didn’t want.

Another issue to consider with mobile friendly design is the touch screen. Most sites are designed with the standard mouse in mind. Hover-over link effects and drop down menus just don’t translate to touch. Obviously, all of the devices mentioned above (except netbooks) use touch screens. By using icons and thumbnails as your main navigation, you’ll insure your website is usable for mice and fingers. Sandcastle Web Design came to market with a specific approach that provides the ultimate viewing experience and easy navigation with minimum panning, sizing and scrolling across broad range of devices.

Live Feeds

With the popularity of Facebook and Twitter it seems status updates are all the rage. I mean really, I do need to know what my friends and followees (doubt that’s a word) are thinking at any given time throughout the day?  Adding live streaming update feeds, fresh blog articles, YouTube videos and even user comments is a great way to engage people on your front page. It insures you’re always providing new content. It’s pretty easy to do now that most social networking sites have special API’s or code to add to your site. We use this technique at to ensure we never forget to share a new blog article (ahem) or new project videos.

QR Codes

I discussed QR Codes in depth last week, but may not have mentioned use of them on websites. They are definitely an emerging trend. If you’re not sure what QR Codes are click here.

Adding a QR Code to your website allows someone who scans it to easily access your mobile site so they can take it on the go; or, perhaps directions to your locations. You can even use it to allow users to download contact information.

So what’s next?

There are lots of emerging trends in web design and functionality that look promising. Some may never take off, while others will add real value. The objective to most of these new trends is not just to have the hip website in your industry. The real key is to make your site functional, useful and engaging for your visitors.

How direct mail can tell a story

Storytelling is nothing new, perhaps as old as humanity. Even printed storytelling dates back around 30,000 years with the existence of the earliest known cave drawings in Europe. When it comes to advertising, you have to be a storyteller. Your advertisement has to appeal to someone in an emotional way, just like a story. And of course, the better your story, the more likely it is that your reader will take action.

Every marketer has a story to tell. Maybe it’s about a breakthrough drug that will alleviate the suffering of many people. Pharmaceutical companies are great at telling stories. They show real people with real problems and present a real solution. Automotive companies tell good stories too. No, I am not talking about the local car dealers that love to put their family members in their television ads; “my dad will get you the car you want at a price you can afford”! In fact, I never really noticed how good the automotive stories were until I had a baby and really started paying attention to the ads. The Toyota Sienna spots (and YouTube videos) are brilliant. They speak directly to someone like my wife who is terrified at the prospect of owning a minivan.

Equally as important as the story is your delivery. Just like your message, the direct mail piece needs to be interesting and engaging. That’s a job for dimensional print.

TysonFlapperTyson Foods wanted an engaging way to tell the story of how their brand has evolved. They used the four selling panels of The Flapper® to do it. They talked about the history of the company, the quality of their foods and finally, on the last panel, introduced a new pizza product. The Flapper was the perfect way to tell the story of Tyson Foods in an interesting and engaging way. Check out the Tyson Foods Flapper, as well as a video on how it works. Tyson Foods had success with this type of storytelling. In fact, they came back to Structural Graphics to tell their story in a new way.

Sometimes a story needs more than just words and graphics to beVictoriasSecretFold told. How about sound? When Victoria’s Secret needed a way to introduce their new cosmetic line “Sexy Little Things”, they knew something standard would not suffice. We produced a beautiful full-color presentation kit that included something unexpected, a whistle when you opened it. This was similar to the package we designed for one of their new fragrances. The package included a light-activated sound chip that whistled when someone opened it.

This is why we, at Structural Graphics, don’t just consider ourselves a direct mail company, or an advertising agency. We are storytellers. We have told a lot of stories in the past 30 years. Does your business have a story to be told?

QR Codes go Marketing Mainstream

QR Codes (Quick Response Codes) have been around for over a decade but are just now coming into favor with marketers. If you don’t know what a QR code is, rest assured, you have seen them before but have perhaps never noticed them. The first time I saw a QR code was on a magazine, and I just assumed it was there as some sort of distribution code used by the publisher. I remember thinking how odd it looked on the front cover of a national magazine. Then I saw one on a billboard, then someone’s business card at a tradeshow. Soon I realized that it was a direct response tool that was quickly being adapted by some of the largest marketers in the country.

QR Codes were originally created by a subsidiary of Toyota in Japan back in 1994. They were used to track automotive parts. When mobile phones became more sophisticated and started including web browsers and cameras QR Codes became more popular. The patent is actually held by the inventor, Denso-Wave (Toyota subsidiary), but they have chosen not to execute it and thus QR Codes are free for anyone to use.

sg qrcodeWhen a QR Code is scanned by your mobile device (using your device’s camera and a third party application) it gives your phone a command to take some action. For example, a QR code can have your device automatically launch an internet browser and go to a specific URL. QR Codes can be used to automatically send an email or text message, download contact information, or show a location on a map.

During this past holiday season, Sears made major changes to their normal print catalog. The catalog was distributed to millions of homes just like in previous years, but they also added QR Codes next to their products. Users were able to browse the catalog and scan items of interest. When they scanned a QR Code they were shown additional product information as well as reviews and videos. This was a great example of using a traditional medium like print and enhancing it with digital technology.

One of the core aspects of Structural Graphics’ business is direct mail print solutions. However, we have many clients that are seeing the benefits of integrated marketing programs that include one of our high-impact print pieces, as well as a landing page, email, or pURL. There is clearly a space for QR Codes in this mix. It’s not just a new “flashy” marketing technology, but rather, it can play an important role in your campaign.

QR Codes provide an additional method of response for the receiver. They may receive your printed piece but not want to visit a landing page or send in a BRC. If your offer is included in the QR Code, they can scan it in a few seconds and store it for later reference. Here are some of the other benefits of using QR Codes in your direct mail:

–    Provide a quick response mechanism for recipient
–    Accurate response reporting capabilities
–    Attention grabbing, as well as interactive
–    Ability to deliver information or an action right on to someone’s device

If you would like to learn more about QR Codes and how we use them in our high-impact printed pieces, be sure to give us a call. In the meantime, you can begin scanning codes to satisfy your curiosity. Blackberry, Android and Apple all have apps for their devices that are QR Code readers. Generally, they are free and very easy to use.

What is your competitor doing?

When the dean of Fairfield High School called my mother on that beautiful spring morning I am sure she was surprised. The dean had never called my house in regards to me. My older brother, however, was a frequent topic of conversation, but never me. The dean informed her that I had not shown up to school that day. That made perfect sense. It was senior skip day, and I was on my way to an amusement park with friends. When my mom questioned me about it that night I explained that skipping school on that day was a tradition that went back decades and I had to do it. She then offered up that all too familiar parenting cliché, if your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you follow?

When you’re looking for new marketing ideas or business direction it’s tempting to take a look at the competition. What are they doing to market themselves? What new products are they offering? What’s their secret? The fear is that the competition may be one step ahead of you. Maybe they know something you don’t know; or have access to vendors or technology you don’t know about. This is all possible, but gaining this intelligence can be a fruitless endeavor. You may even be following your competitor over a bridge.

Obviously it’s beneficial to stay on top of what’s new in the marketplace and how you’re doing in comparison to others in the market. However, the benefits of this information has its limits. Your competitor may be doing the exact same things, looking to your business for ideas and direction. This can create some bizarre circular reasoning and is no way to keep a business moving forward.

What prompted this blog posting was a solicitation I received for a whitepaper. It was titled, “Know what your competition knows”. Then, while browsing DM News I happen to see an ad for The headlined teased, “Monitor your competitor’s online strategies”. This just doesn’t seem right, though I suppose in our new Facebook’ish world of limited privacy this is par for the course.

Google has long been praised for their dynamic advertising network, Adwords, which opens up Google to businesses of every size. In fact, Adwords makes up more than 80% of Google’s annual revenue. One major problem with the ad network is its keyword selection feature. If you’re trying to find keywords for your campaign you can type in a word like “furniture”, and it will make recommendations of other similar keywords. This can make the process of launching your campaign very quick and easy. However, the data that provides the “similar keywords” comes from what other advertisers are using. So as a result you can end up selecting the same keywords as your competitor which causes the cost-per-bid to go up. Bidding on the most popular keywords can be a costly mistake for online advertisers. The keyword selection tool seems to be helping businesses compete directly with each other instead of each campaign creating their own unique strategy.

It’s a new year and a new opportunity to evaluate your marketing and business strategies. Try and resist the overwhelming amount of information that is available on your competitors. I don’t want to say, “be a leader not a follower”, because that’s just corny and who the heck am I to say that? But, in reality, the follower can never get ahead of the leader so long as he is sailing behind, trying to ride the same wind.  I have a long-expired sailing license to back that up.

Tips to make your landing pages work well with your direct mail

Though our core business is primarily high-impact print solutions, we are always encouraging our clients to think “integrated” with their campaigns. Effective campaigns require several components to work in harmony to produce the best possible results. The two major areas of focus are the direct mailer and the landing page.

The landing page acts as the lead repository for your campaign. In most cases, your prospects will have their last interaction with your campaign on the landing page, so you need to pay extra special attention to its design and execution. When we are designing a landing page for a client we often gather the designers of the print piece, the creative team, our marketing team and the account manager.  That way we can be sure the design is completely in sync with the print piece and the objectives of the campaign.

Here are some tips for designing your landing page for an integrated campaign. These tips include some universal best-practices for web design because many landing pages are used for a long time and hence, should be given the same attention as your corporate website.

1. Cohesive Design: It’s crucial that the look and feel of your 4windowpulllanding page is similar to that of your print piece.  Be sure the colors, fonts and overall design feel are the same. In fact, we have found that a lot of our high-impact designs work well on the web! For example, take our 4-Windown Pull. The unique design allows users to pull tabs and reveal and image or additional copy. For one client we needed to translate this to the web. We created the same four squares using little images. When the user hovered over the images with the mouse they appeared to flip and change into another image. It was very similar to the effect of the print piece.

2. Keep your offer above the fold: Due to various screen resolutions, “above the fold” can vary from user to user. However, a rule of thumb is to offer your best content, headlines, or offer within the top 300 – 500 pixels.

3. Just ask, you may be surprised: Many landing pages concentrate too much on how great the offer is. They offer tons of content repeating the fabulous offer, but they forget to “ask for the sale”. Known to all sales people, “asking for the sale” is a key principal. It seems basic, but sales people are often intimidated or lack confidence in their product/service, so they forget to simply ask for the sale. If you want a user to fill out a form, just ask.

4. Ask, but not for too much: There is still a significant portion of the population that believes it’s unsafe to give out information online, and their fear is not totally unfounded.  Recently, Facebook faced huge criticism and a backlash from users for their confusing and lackadaisical privacy policies.  Furthermore, sites like Gawker, Network Solutions, Twitter and more have been hacked with customer information stolen. To minimize this fear only ask for the information you need. If you’re asking for them to sign up for something, then you probably don’t need their birth date or household income, do you? Well, maybe you do for classification purposes, but be mindful of what you’re asking.  Perhaps you can ask for a range (24-35 years old) instead of specifics. Also, insure that their information is going to be kept securely by displaying an SSL certificate badge and your privacy policy.

5. Design for search engines: For longer lasting campaigns it may be beneficial for the landing page to be indexed by Google and other search engines. This is all part of a larger search engine optimization discussion, but this is the basic must-haves. To be sure your page is as visible as possible, use lots of text, not just images or animations. Also, use <H1, H2, H3> tags for your main headlines. This tells search engines what your page is about (in order of importance.) Lastly, be sure you include the following metadata on your page.

<title>: This is visible to the searcher and is usually the first line you see on the search engine results page (SERP). It should be similar to your <h1> headline tag, thus confirming to the search engine what your page is about. Also, this could include your offer, since it will be visible on the SERPs. For example, you may write “Free Gizmo if your sign up now.” If this is in your title tag it will be visible to the browser when they are deciding what page to click on.

Click here for an extended explanation of metadata and best practices.

Hopefully this helps you to focus on the important parts of creating a landing page for an effective integrated campaign. Though there are many other key factors to consider, following these steps will help insure you present a cohesive and effective offer to the prospect.

5 Common Misconceptions about Dimensional Mail

One of the few benefits of a long commute is the time you have to yourself. Whether you like listening to talk radio, music or chatting on your cell phone, it’s completely in your control. Well, unless you’re an over-scheduled executive, then that time is likely spent on a conference call of some sorts. For me, I like getting lost in a good audio book. It keeps me awake and it allows me to catch up on books I would never get a chance to actually read.

One of the recent audio books I listened to was about common misconceptions people have in everyday life. For example, many people believe that the reason we have seasons is due to the Earth being closer to the Sun in the summer, and being further away in the winter. In reality, the opposite is true. Earth is earsufurthest from the sun in the summer, but the seasons are simply caused by the tilt of the Earth and have nothing to do with its distance from the Sun. Another example I found amusing was the common misconception that toilet water spins in the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere. This, of course, is not true. The design of the specific toilet is entirely responsible for that. Gravity works the same way for the Aussies as it does for us.

The book got me thinking that there were probably a lot of misconceptions about our business that we are not aware of, or just assume to be common sense. I spoke with some of our sales people and compiled a list of the top five misconceptions about dimensional mail. Certainly we do much more than just dimensional print projects, but it remains one of our core offerings.

Number 1: It’s really expensive to produce dimensional mail. This is perhaps the misconception we hear about most. It really just depends on your definition of expensive. Is it going to cost more to produce a dimensional mailer than a traditional flat print piece? Yes, most likely it will. However, if you send out a regular envelope package or postcard, doesn’t it become very expensive if you get a poor response? It is not uncommon for a dimensional mailer to receive a 10%, 15% or even higher response rate. What is that worth to you? It should also be noted that not all dimensional mailers require new designs. We have templates for a wide range of proven high-impact mailers, so there is significantly less design time and cost.

Number 2: It’s expensive to mail a dimensional piece. Some of our designs are classified as bulky mail and thus would cost more per piece to mail. In contrast, we have many high-impact designs that ship completely flat! Furthermore, our design team works closely with our in-house postal experts, and we always find creative ways to save on mailing costs.

Number 3: The whole process is complicated! Hey, we have been doing this for three decades and in that time we have learned a thing or two. Our production department is top-notch, and once you become a client you’ll have access to their experience and expertise. We also provide an entire turnkey solution. If you need a mailing list or data services, we can do that. If you need art creation or placement, we can do that too. Allow me to steal a line from the automotive industry; you sign, (we) drive.

Number 4: The lead time is very long for a dimensional mailer. This too, is entirely untrue thanks to our production department. We work tirelessly to improve our work flow and create efficiencies where possible. The net result has been significantly shorter lead times and the creation of RocketShip. Using existing design templates and a network of digital printers, we are able to offer you a variety of high-impact designs in as little as a week. That’s design, artwork, printing and fulfillment in a week!

Number 5: Customs can be a hassle since you do hand assembly in Mexico. When we source materials from overseas or produce hand assembled projects in Mexico, everything remains in control of Structural Graphics. Your materials will never sit in a warehouse for days or get held up by the government because we use our own in-house customs brokers. This allows us to move your materials in and out of the country in an efficient way.

There may be other misconceptions about dimensional mail that I haven’t addressed here. If so, I encourage you to contact us for help with your specific questions.